Strive For Continuous Improvement



There can be a lot of pressure we feel when going low waste and starting to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. While we shouldn't feel this pressure, sometimes we just can't help it. It's important to remember that while it is important to do our best it's also important to be realistic.


Everybody's reality is different, our abilities differ and we all live a different lifestyle;therefore, we cannot expect to be able to do what everyone else does. ⁠This can be applied to a vast majority of things, not just sustainability. It can apply to our diet, natural living, fitness, parenting, friendships, work, daily habits, slow living, minimalism - basically anything. ⁠ 


It is healthy to observe others, question ourselves and think about the changes we can make. This is how we grow, as an individual, as a society, as a species - however, it isn't about comparing ourselves and striving for perfection, it's about striving for improvement that's within our ability to achieve. 



At The Ecofairy, our goal is to help you build a more sustainable life by offering you a line of reusable products. We offer you products that last and that will help you reduce the amount of plastic you use.




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